Fire Marshal duties are one of the most important contributions to fire safety in your business.

There are many ‘reactive’ Fire Marshal responsibilities, such as checking emergency exits, checking fire extinguishers, checking your fire doors and organising regular fire drills. These are all preventative methods that can help to keep your business safe from fire.

But what if, despite all your Fire Marshal’s best efforts, you’re unlucky enough to have a fire? These are a few ‘proactive’ tasks that can be carried out in the event of a breakout.


Fire Marshal Duties:

RAISING THE ALARM. Contact the fire brigade if your business isn’t automatically linked to the marshal duties training

Closing ALL DOORS AND FIRE DOORS to prevent the fire from spreading.

Pointing people towards the EMERGENCY EXITS. Does everyone know where to go and how to proceed?

Conducting a FLOOR SWEEP. Has everyone left the premises? The sweep should include toilets and walk-in storage areas.

Help with the ROLL CALL at the assembly point. Has everyone exited safely and are absences accounted for?

Fire Marshal duties are both specific and specialised. Fire Marshals should be fully trained and have their training refreshed regularly.

To book a place on any of our courses or if you have any questions that need answering before you do, please give us a call today.