The main reason we carry out PAT Tests is because of appliances. Appliances are everywhere… in our offices, our homes, industrial areas and public places. PAT Testing refers to the process where any appliance deemed ‘portable’ is tested to ensure that it isn’t dangerous to use.
B is for BARCODE Scanner
A Barcode scanner is a handy little device that allows you to scan previously PAT tested items and recalls the results your received. Perfect for contractors who carry out testing in the same areas.
C is for CLASSES
All portable appliances are subject to a class qualification. Class I items have single insulated wiring and an earth connection. Items in Class II have double insulated wiring and no earth lead. Class III items use low voltages lower than 50V.
D is for DIY Testing
Did you know that PAT tests do not have to be carried out by an electrician? Absolutely anyone can do it themselves, providing they take a training course and an exam to become a fully qualified PAT tester!
For all PAT Test related queries, please give us a call today on 01375 265950 or email in to [email protected].