Fire Extinguishers…. You pass them all the time. At work, in the kid’s schools, eating out at your favourite restaurant, shopping for that perfect pair of shoes… and hopefully at home too! They are everywhere, which is why Total Safe UK’s fire training courses in Essex are so important.
But no matter how many times you’ve seen them in your day-to-day life, you’ve probably given little thought as to how you actually use one. Maybe it has never even crossed your mind? Maybe you assume that it is so simple that it is something that you don’t need to learn?
Whilst it’s true that using a fire extinguisher isn’t exactly rocket science, there are a few basics that you need to be aware of, and probably aren’t.
Fire extinguishers are designed to put out fires in the incipient stage. That’s basically firefighter talk for when the fire is just getting started. When it gets past this stage, a fire becomes too large to fight with a portable extinguisher and is best left to the professionals!
But at the incipient stage there are a few things that you should be aware of. If you can get some hands-on training with a fire extinguisher, it is highly recommended that you do so.
We will be commencing Fire Training Courses in Essex at the start of June. If you are interested in booking a place on one of our courses or you have any questions please get in contact with us.