BLS – Basic Life Support Training – is the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest and many other life-threatening conditions.

According to the World Health Organisation, approximately 17.7 million people die from cardiovascular disease each year; representing 31% of all global deaths.

With so many people around the world suffering from heart disease, it is really important to know what to do in the event of a cardiac arrest or other life-threatening medical emergency.

When a victim appears to be unconscious, choking, or suffering from cardiac arrest, you can use BLS techniques while waiting for paramedics/first responders to arrive. The techniques work to circulate a minimal amount of oxygenated blood throughout an individual’s body to minimise any damage to organs and the brain in the event their heart stops beating. Our course teaches participants to quickly and effectively recognise a wide range of life-threatening cardiac emergencies. Basic Life Support Training Total Safe UK Essex


Who needs a Basic Life Support Training Certification?

It is mandatory for every medical professional to obtain certification, but BLS training is beneficial to EVERYONE. Other professionals such as child-care providers, nannies, and those working with the elderly would benefit from becoming BLS certified.

Some employers may require their employees to hold a current BLS certification for a variety of reasons. It may be organisational policy, or the requirement for one may be as simple as decreasing liability in the event of a medical emergency on company property.

Valid BLS Certifications must remain up-to-date. By most guidelines, certification will expire after two years; trainees will need to complete a recertification class following this.

If you are interested in signing up for one of our courses, then please get in touch with us today. We will be running open and closed courses throughout the year.