The general aim of an assessment for fire risk is to identify the fire risks and hazards of concern and provide information for the fire risk management decisions. It intends to answer 3 things; What can happen/what can go wrong? How likely is it that it will happen? If it does happen, what are the consequences?
What can happen/what can go wrong?
For a fire to occur it needs a source of ignition (heat or flame) and a potential source of fuel and oxygen. All workplaces will contain heat/ignition sources. Some will be more obvious such as heat from cooking equipment or open flames (heating), but others may be less obvious.
Faulty or damaged wires, matches/lighters/candles, cigarettes, cooking equipment such as ovens and deep fat fryers and portable heaters can all be a source of ignition in a workplace, as well as a huge list of other things!
Other procedures/acts can also cause ignition; bad housekeeping, for one example or smoking next to combustible materials, for another.
How likely is it that it will happen?
The chances of a fire starting will be low if there are few ignition sources and if combustible materials are kept away from them. In general, a fire will be likely to start in one of 3 ways:
– Accidentally, such as cigarettes not being put out properly
– By an oversight, such as when electrical equipment is not properly maintained
– Deliberately, such as intentional setting fire to external storage or rubbish bins
An FRA aims to identify the likelihood of any of the above scenarios occurring.
What are the consequences?
What will happen because of any of the above occurring? Are there procedures in place should they occur? Who is at risk?
Having carried out a FRA for your premises, the finding must be recorded, including any actions taken or still to be taken. Assessment records need retaining and should be made available on request.
If you would like an assessment for fire risk please get in touch.