If you have decided you are going to carry out your Fire Risk Assessment yourself, it is a good idea to use a fire risk assessment template. Preferably one from a trusted company.
An FRA template will help you to remember what you should be looking for as you carry out your assessment. As you walk through the premises, you can refer to its contents and fill it in as you go along. A good tactic is to do this room by room and mark them off one by one.
Identify the Hazards
You should walk around your premises with your template to hand that will prompt you to look for any sources of ignition, fuel or oxygen. you can tick them off as you go along and make a note of any action you need to take. As well as walking round the premises yourself, you should also ask staff for any feedback and check manufacturer’s information.
Fire Alarms and Detectors
As part of your assessment, you should test all fire alarms throughout the premises to see if they are working as they should be. You also need to check all manual call points. Check that they are in good condition and are free from obstruction. Do you have a significate amount of detectors in the premises or could you do with a few more? If any of your alarms/detectors are due a test soon, make a note on your fire risk assessment template so when you go over it at the end, you can schedule yourself a reminder.
Escape Routes and Exits
As you walk round the premises, you need to check all exit/escape routes. You should be checking that they are all free rom obstruction, that all fire doors are closed, and the fire doors are in good working order. If fire doors are usually locked, do they unlock when the alarm sounds? You need to also check the assembly point. Make sure this route and the final destination point is completely free from instruction. Is this route clearly signed? Ask staff members if they all know where their assembly point is. Are there suitable measures along this route for less-abled individuals e.g. access ramps?
Signage and Lighting
Whilst checking your escape routes and fire exits, it is a good idea to check if there are a significant number of signs for them and that there is one in clear site from anywhere in the building. Check that all signs are clearly visible and free from obstruction. Do they signs clearly lead people out of the building to their assembly point? You should also check that all signs are appropriately illuminated and that any emergency lighting is functioning as is intended.
Fire Fighting Equipment
You will also need to inspect all firefighting equipment through out the premises. It is a good idea to make note of where they all are as you walk round. Check that they are all where they should be and are unobstructed and undamaged. You should be looking for dents, leaks, faded labels, signs of vandalism, corrosion etc. Are they all properly mounted in their designated location? As you check the units themselves, check the label and note down when they are due for a service. This way, you can schedule a reminder to book in a service if any are due/out of date.
Additional Factors
Extra factors to consider are things like your fire evacuation plan and Personal Emergency Evacuation plans. They should be up-to-date and contain as much information as possible. Other factors include training. Are staff well trained? Do any of them need to go on a refresher course? Are you due a fire drill soon? Make a note to schedule a date in if you have no had one in a while.