Did you know that the misuse of Fire Hydrants and vandalism of them is actually a criminal offence?
Not only can it damage the hydrant itself, it can even break the mains pipework. This can put your home and/or business at risk during an emergency. Other problems can include discoloured water and reduction in pressure. It can also lead to loss of supply and in some cases, water can be contaminated through their actions.
How can you tell if someone has authorised access to fire hydrants?
You can tell if someone has permission to use a hydrant by the type of connection they use. Most areas will have a code they follow; “If it’s green, it’s clean” for example. Approved users will have a large, bright green standpipe. A meter will be attached to the standpipe which is connected to the hydrant.
Unauthorised users will use a variety of methods and different types of equipment to take water from fire hydrants that they are accessing.
Those responsible for hydrant vandalism or misuse of fire hydrants are not only putting themselves at risks of injury from highly pressurised water, they impact the ability to keep water flow and pressure constant. Worst case scenario, they could, above all, impact on the fire service’s ability to tackle a fire breakout.
It may seem a bit of harmless fun, but it is dangerous, costly and a waste of precious resources that could be the difference between life or death in a potential emergency.